When properly formulating effective herbal remedies, it's not enough to just blend a bunch of herbs together.
You cannot make a formula for a given structure, organ or health issue in the body without understanding the science behind proper formulation. Proper formulating is akin to making an award-winning soup or chilli, except there is much more at stake. If you try to make a soup using only one ingredient or using way too much of one ingredient, no one will be able to consume the soup and therefore, the formula/formulas (soup) will be a failure. For example, if you made a soup that was 90% garlic and 10% other ingredients or 90% sea salt and 10% other ingredients, you would fail and no one would want or be able to consume the soup. This stands true for all proper herbal formulations. The difference is, you’re not dealing with flavor and taste, you’re dealing with someone’s health, wellness and longevity.

Herbs and roots are amazing when used correctly, properly and purposefully.
One does not need to do much research to learn that many herbs and roots have extremely robust histories of supporting specific organs or structures in our bodies. For example, Milk Thistle or Dandelion Root are extremely beneficial in supporting the function of our liver and gallbladder. Other examples are Mullein Leaves and Fenugreek, which are extremely beneficial in supporting the structure and the function of our lungs and entire respiratory systems. Further examples include Hawthorne Berries and Capsicum: These herbs support the structure and function of our heart and cardiovascular system. That being said, it’s important to know that as we dive deeper into true and effective herbology, and as we blend herbs together in the proper way, these herbs begin to transcend their specific and individual usage.

The herbs become more powerful, more potent, more effective, and in a very complex way, they become more synergistic.
Therefore, more balance within the entire human body occurs…..as a whole. A perfect example is black pepper, also known as Piper Nigrum: With just a bit of research, we find that by adding Piper Nigrum to many different products and compounds, these other ingredients often become more powerful, more potent and even more effective. Black pepper can act as a catalyst, an enhancer or a facilitator. This is extremely beneficial and is only one example how blending ingredients and natural compounds properly, can have such a wide range of positive effects and benefits. Another example is the use of Capsicum (Cayenne Pepper): When you blend Capsicum with certain other ingredients, it has the ability to hasten or move the ingredient/active compounds/nutrients to the desired part of the body being addressed. A real life example: if you take Mullein to support your lung structure, this is wise and you’re making a good call. However, if you add Piper Nigrum and Capsicum, you’ve just enhanced the effect of the Mullein. This is simple and basic, enhanced herbology; proper blending and mixing for effective, long-term formulations.
Within the science and art of proper herbalism, we learn that it’s not only important to select the most effective herbs for a structure, function or issue in the body, but it’s equally important to determine which ingredients we blend to harmonize the formula.
It is also pertinent to determine how these herbs and ingredients should best be prepared and utilized. In addition to consuming an herbal compound or formula internally, oftentimes it is helpful to apply the herbs topically to the site of the ailment. This is done by means of medicated oils, poultices, suppositories and other well proven techniques that have been utilized for centuries. It’s important to mention that in general, a greater variety of herbs should be used in a formula, for better effectiveness. This is also true for issues considered “chronic”. The reason behind this, as mentioned previously, is that many herbs work synergistically and can increase the efficacy of the entire formula, in the body. Remember, the purpose is to encourage healthy, organic function and homeostasis, which in turn will aid the body in healing itself. I don’t typically like to suggest general “rules of thumb”, but I’ll provide one here (and I give it very loosely): You should use an appropriate, masterfully formulated supplement for approximately one month to every year that you’ve had the health issue (or 1 month to every year, since the issue first began). The suggested use can range anywhere from 2g (which equals 2000mg) to 6g (which equals 6000 mg) and this should be dispersed two to three times per day (morning, lunchtime & early evening). Children, of course, should always be given a lesser dosage and it is always a good idea to consult their doctor before putting them on any herbal formulation.
*We always recommend consulting your doctor before beginning any new supplement regimen.* For more information please read our full disclaimer

All herbs contain “energy” and therefore, have different energetic components.
Most herbs fall into the following energetic descriptions: First, there are healing herbs and herbs with cooling energies . Second, there are bitter herbs , sweet herbs and spicy herbs. Lastly, there are salty and sour herbs. Each of these herbs have different therapeutic benefits and actions. When masterfully formulating a supplement, the herbs used must fall into and come from these different categories. Also, one must use all of the different categories in their proper ratios. To explain further, the main herb or group of herbs being used specifically to address the main symptom, structure, function, problem or breakdown in the body, is often referred to as the “Chief herb” or “Hero herb”. This Cheif or Hero herb(s) should dominate the ratio of herbs within the formula. “Supporting herbs” are another category within a formulation, and these are a group of herbs or plants that support the primary function of the Chief or Hero herbs. This group of plants develops and enhances the effects of the Chief herbs.

Another category includes the “Assisting herbs”.
These herbs work to support associated symptoms and complaints, and also help to enhance the main effects and benefits of the Chief herbs and plants. “Conducting herbs” are another of the categories within proper supplement formulation. Conducting herbs direct the absorption assimilation and maximum utilization of all other herbs in the formula, namely the Chief and Supporting herbs. There are other equally important categories of herbal formulations, such as “Harmonizing herbs”, “Balancing herbs” and “Enhancing herbs”. So, as you can see, there is much more to making a masterful, herbal formula or supplement, than just throwing a bunch of plants together. These plants must work synergistically and in harmony to provide the body with the essentials needed to begin the amazing process of healing itself.
Here at All-In Nutritionals™, we are ALL-IN on our promise to provide our friends, family and customers with the most pristine, high-quality, and MASTERFULLY FORMULATED products on the market!