Weston Horne of Agapē Herbals™, partners with Lindsey Duncan, of All-In Nutritionals™
The merging of these wellness journeys is one you want to be a part of!
We proudly introduce Weston Horne and the new All-In Nutritionals' brand,
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Our bodies are capable of many wonderful things. For thousands of years these miraculous organisms have continued to preserve, protect, and heal themselves.
Let's go one step deeper than just the symptoms and address the real cause of whatever our imbalance may be. Let's trust in us and our innate ability to heal, and the nature that provides for us all.
Healthy living is simply a part of the bigger picture–and Agape is just the beginning. My goal is to always learn, grow, and improve myself. I sincerely hope you’ll join me on that Journey.
— Weston Horne, BCSI, NH

"I fundamentally believe a lack of truth and education is the root cause of the issues we face with our health today.
I started Agapē not just as a means of education, but to come together as a larger community. This education should be accessible for all who want to change and repair their lives and their health. It’s a simple invitation, unforced, by those who are affected and want to spread the good they feel.
I took this knowledge and application, and made the world’s cleanest and most effective products. Based on science, rooted in history, guided by intuition, and led with love in real world practices.
This history has made Agapē possible. Seeing good, doing good, and spreading good. That's how I found the best answers for individuals who visited my clinic, and also the best answer for business – care for your body, care for your community, take care of your planet, and in return–they will take care of you."
— Weston Horne
Agapē Herbals™ T-Power
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$29.75 - Regular price
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My products use the whole plant. While many companies focus on extracts, isolates, chemicals, or compounds – I believe the best result comes when we honor what the Earth has to offer.
Countless studies and endless research teach us that whole foods offer greater nutrition, more essential fiber, and provide additional substances – like antioxidants, all while being safer to use. *
And to give back, all our packaging is environmentally friendly. From recyclable and reusable packaging to recycled amber glass bottles. Agapē is waste not, want not – from forage to front door.

I've pulled ingredients directly from their natural habitat (wildcrafted), where they grow unaffected by pesticides, chemicals, hormones, or genetic modifiers.
When ingredients are harvested directly from their natural source, the rich soil fortifies them with all the organic nutrients we need. *
Each product is whole, clean, hand-made, vegan, and Non-GMO. No dairy, gluten, wheat, lactose, or any form of artificial additive. At all! Ever!
While finding a manufacturer that adheres to these strict guidelines hasn't been easy, the result was well worth it. In joining hands with All-In Nutritionals™, we are proud to offer you products that feel good, do good, and spread good.
ABOUT AGAPĒ HERBALS™ - an All-In Nutritionals™ partner
"My herbal medicine education started, first, with myself.
I was sick, in pain, and diagnosed with (what then seemed like) lifelong health issues that weren’t going to get better – at least according to what my doctor and I knew.
At the time, my mother knew a nurse who had nearly died from basic antibiotics and wanted a better way, which turned her towards herbology. Her help changed my life tremendously. Her work and my change in vitality and outlook, sparked more questions – which in turn led to research. Steady research soon became my study. Before I knew what was happening, my study became practice and I was working with, applying for, and mentoring under incredible groups of naturopathic doctors and herbalists alike, including All-In Nutritionals™' founder and formulator, Lindsey Duncan.
I attended classes at the School of Natural Healing and honed in on the theories, ideologies, and principles of naturopathy – and learned applicable realities in the day to day practice with the people who came to my clinic for help.
I continued following the latest research, fervently furthering my education from masters and pioneers in the field – with years upon years aggregated between them.
“The theory I came to believe in the most, was that of vitalism.”
Hippocrates talked about the vital nature of the human being, that we inherently heal. We should work with the process – help, support, and trust it – rather than dominate and control the chemistry. Considering, still, how much more there is to learn about the body, we must trust that after thousands of years, it knows what it’s doing. Let us listen to the symptoms and learn to ask, “What are the causes?”, then change the behavior; don't mask the symptom."
A life does us no good if we don’t have the splendor of Earth to thrive within – so Agapē Herbals™ sets out to contribute however, wherever, and whenever it can.
- Starting from the raw ingredient itself, we respect its origin and eliminate waste by using all of it.
- Every piece of packaging (if it’s shipped to you) is reusable or recyclable, eliminating trash and harmful plastics that ultimately end up in landfills and oceans.
- All capsules come in a Glass bottle – use it again, refill it, repurpose it. Reduce, reuse, recycle.
From the wild ground it was foraged from, to the home of the human it’s protecting – sustainability, Mother Earth, and Agapē are always the forefront of our purpose.
When I set out to develop Agapē Herbals™, the challenge to overcome was not building the formula, or selling the product, it was finding both a manufacturer and raw goods source that had the same vision I had.
After several attempts with companies, I decided to combine forces with a mentor and his unique, outstanding company - All-In Nutritionals™. This ensured that I could keep the integrity of the product. Working with Lindsey Duncan in his pristine Manufacturing facility to develop, formulate, source, and fulfill all products. Any Agapē Herbals™ product you purchase is handcrafted, by Lindsey and I and our Team, to ensure quality and maximum efficacy. When we make these products ourselves, we make them with love. Agapē.
It’s a difference that matters, and it’s a difference we know you’ll feel.