Eating to live
Food is about strategy. Eat what fuels your body and builds your strong!

Now we know this food is an obvious one, but did you know that non-organic avocados are known to have high amounts of chemicals and pesticides used during the growing process? Avocados for us are a daily staple of our diet. We eat them as a meal themselves with hot sauce, throw them on top of a salad or put them in a smoothie. We always have them on hand as they are a great source of healthy fat and healthy fats keep you full longer. One cup of sliced avocado (145g) contains 234 calories, 21g of fat, an amazing 708mg of potassium (20% of daily value) 10g of fiber (40% of daily value) and almost 3g of protein. We call the avocado a hormone superfood. The avocado has such an impact on our hormones that often times when you take a hormone test, you must abstain from eating them.

Cilantro is the next food that makes our list for several great reasons. Also called Corriander, and also called Chinese Parsley, this food is known for it ability to help support heavy metal removal and detoxification. This reason alone, put Cilantro at the top of our list of healthy healing and beneficial foods. It's rich in phytonutrients, flavonoids and many polyphenolic compounds. It's extremely low in all fats, cholesterol and has almost a non existent calorie content. All the while providing a good source of dietary fiber, vitamins A, C, E, K and minerals calcium, iron, potassium and magnesium. Cilantro has also been reported to support healthy blood levels, healthy heart, and many other functions of the body. We eat cilantro on top of salads or really any dish for that matter. We also will add a pinch of it to green juices. It also can be used in guacamole, salsas and curries.

The Golden Berry fruit grows wild in the mountain slope regions of Peru and Chile. The berry has been sold for centuries throughout markets in western South America. It grows at high elevations between 1,500 and 10,000 feet. This small orange colored and tart tasting berry contains per 100 grams 1.9g of protein, 19% of the daily value of niacin (B3) and 13% of the daily value of vitamin C. The Golden Berry is also sometimes called the "Pichuberry" named after Machu Picchu in Peru. Golden Berries are known to be beneficial and support healthy inflammatory processes, support healthy cholesterol, healthy liver and kidney function, healthy vision and healthy immunity. A great way to add them into your daily diet is to add them to your favorite healthy trail mix, salad or smoothie. Lindsey likes to make his own trail mix with raw, organic almonds, Brazil nuts, macadamia nuts and golden berries. He snacks on this throughout the day.
Get Moving

The benefits behind Yoga
There is a belief that’s been around for thousands of years that comes from India, which says when a person bends over, however far down towards their toes they can reach, reveals their true internal age. The further down you can go to and past your toes the younger you truly are internally. So obviously, flexibility is crucial to the aging process and staying youthful. That’s why we decided to start our first “Workout of the Month” with the reasons we do Yoga and also a few of our favorite online classes.
The benefits behind Yoga are countless. You’ll probably never meet anyone who says they feel awful after a Yoga class. Now most good workouts provide this feeling due to the endorphins that are released when we exercise, but Yoga provides not only a good workout, but also relaxation, increased flexibility, meditation, and can help with pain issues.

Yoga takes "the feel good" to the next level
Simply put, Yoga takes “the feel good” to the next level. We’ve noticed even if we go into a Yoga class feeling exhausted, we come out of it feeling the opposite and revitalized. Yoga is great because it provides your body stimulation through physical exertion without tearing it down.
Yoga provides the opportunity to focus on the breath which has amazing benefits that can reach far beyond the one hour class. When you practice you generate and feel a heat coming up in the body. This internal heat, known as Chi in Eastern Medicine, not only makes you get your sweat on, but benefits your body, mind and spirit in ways that are far too many to go into.
Benefits Of Practicing Yoga May Provide:
1. Reduce risk for injury
2. Reduce stress
3. Elevates mood
4. Gains strength and stamina
5. Improve balance and stability
6. Improve posture
7. Develops body awareness
8. Increases flexibility
9. Improves and enhances sleep
10. Increases longevity
11. Helps detoxify and increase specific organ function

We love to Yoga from home. We recommend just going to Youtube and searching for classes- there are thousands of free classes. Molly loves Travis Eliot’s crossfit yoga class and Lindsey loves Rodney Yee’s classes which range in all difficulty levels. Also Gaia and Udaya are great sources for streaming online yoga classes right to your home, but some of these sites may require paid membership for access.